
Thursday, June 27, 2013

Shihan Menkyo - Masters Licenses... Are they truly what we think they are?

Recently, with my Blog going live, I have been getting a lot of questions through personal email channels asking about Shihan Menkyo or Master's Liceneses.  The inquiries have been eye opening to say the least and I hope I can shed some light from one who has been educated in the process of how and when they are awarded.

Now before I go any further, I would like to explain and express that this post is NO way in ANY shape or form disrespecting any practitioner who was awarded a Shihan Menkyo.  I just hope that they hold themselves to the level of professionalism, dedication, and example that the licenses represent and were developed to uphold.

So now we've got that out of the way...

What exactly are Shihan Menkyo?  Well most practitioners wonder what a Renshi, Kyoushi, and Hanshi mean and scratch our head when someone calls themselves a Shihan.  First let me tell you, Shihan and Shihan Menkyo stand apart... while they are similar they are used differently.

Shihan - 師範
The biggest misconception is that the title Shihan is regularly given out to someone who has earned a certain Dan.  In Japan, there are no entitlement issues because to receive a Shihan title is special... it is usually conferred upon you becuase you are an all around model sensei, usually hand picked to succeed or be a contingent successor of the kaiha or ryuha. The Shihan title is usually reserved for the highest ranked dojo sensei who can "educate" (there is a huge difference in the actual meaning behind educate and "teach") not only technique but can be the example not only in the dojo but in life.

Shihan Menkyo are usually used as a tool by Ryuha and Kaiha to setup a legitimate succession plan and are usually hand picked by the Soke (founder) or the surviving successors to keep organizational structure alive.  Most of the time, those with Shihan Menkyo titles will be those instructors who are at the highest ranks/quality and for SMALLER kaiha's (not ryuha) there are usually only one of each. (Hanshi, Kyoushi, and Renshi).

While most of us here in the United States look at Shihan Menkyo as one of the highest awards given by a certain Ryuha or Kaiha, the spirit behind, not the award, or more so the spirit behind the conferrment is what they stand for.  The Japanese sometime explain the awards with a little more flash than they should be because it is very difficult to explain what I am about to explain in english.  Sometimes, you are told that you are receiving the award (in reality it is a conferrment) for just your contribution however, this goes beyond what you have already contributed... but what you will continue to contribute for a lifetime.  In turn, it should represent the continuing hard work, continuing dedication, and the contiuous ability to lead by example.

Shihan Menkyo and their Meanings - Conferrment Responsibilities

Renshi - 錬士

"熟錬した人。  訓練したした人"

Renshi is a title that is conferred upon an instructor who has trained rigorously and thouroughly. A Renshi continually trains hard with the dojo members being an example for the Kyoushi, especially when the Kyoushi needs an example for the dojo student body.  A ryuha or kaiha acknowledges the contributions that the instructor made not only to his seniors but as a benchmark to his students and kohai.

Kyoushi - 教士


Kyoushi is a title that is conferred upon an instructor who has committed the technique to the body and one who can teach (not educate... big difference) others. A Kyoushi has gone through the thourough and rigorus training and has close to flawless technique.  Committing a technique to body is only done to through the countless hours of repetition under a Hanshi level instructor and building the highest level of muscle memory in order to teach the same technique according to the Hanshi's instruction (not abandoning his own interpretations) for the sake of the organization.  Usually a Kyoushi will become a Hanshi's right hand man and will be his tool to set an example for the dojo student body.

Hanshi - 範士


A Hanshi level instructor is one who has the ability to use the techniques he has learned and "educate" others while being example for the dojo student body.  While a Renshi still trains and the Kyoushi teaches, a Hanshi "educates" by showing examples of technique, opens the minds of karateka by introducing his or her interpretations of the set cirriculum and how they relate to traditional training.  Anyone can teach a technique but Hanshi's should have the continual ability to eductate a karateka so their karate grows and evolves.  This title conferred for the HIGHEST level of instruction... and it is recognized by the governing body... never self-proclaimed.

While many have observed their instructors rank progression and the conferrace of Shihan Menkyo, the one aspect that must be considered is that the recipients must continue to grow and be humble.  In the homeland (Japan), while there are many sensei who achieved Karate greatness, in my experience, I have NEVER heard of an instructor refer to themself as a Shihan or by their Shihan Menkyo title.  Even the great senseis just refer to themselves as just "sensei" and respect the Senpai/Kohai system and respect the honorifics they use to speak to someone of higher stature.  Like the Japanese language, certain main topics are just understood and there is no reason to highlight what is already known.

Here in the United States, it is pretty difficult for me sometimes because I do not see the reflection of the spirit of the Shihan Menkyo in some of the practitioners I have met. Most are self-proclaimed without the knowledge of how the Shihan Menkyo System or the Dan system works. (Are there such things as 9th Dan and 10th Dan?  That's for another post) and do not understand that it is not title that is simply given out, that it is a conferred by a larger group that recognizes the talents and contributions made to the organization(s).  This could be partially be at fault of cultural incompatibilities or the lack of translators that have the experience... but any sense I have seen this go to many instructors heads rather than remain humble and continue the legacy that they had started.

While I still respect them and hold them to esteem, I just bite my tougue hope someday, if I am ever conferred with the GREAT responsibility, that I can be that example for my karate flock.

Until then keep practicing hard to become the example!

PS... good talk with my Karate bruddah +Johnpaul Williams. I will have a part 2 of this topic about how you can over do it by calling your senseis by their Shihan Menkyo titles or Shihan... pretty good insight for next time.

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